Ace Contract News

Monday 6 August 2012

Why do Young People get Paid Less?

Why do Young People get Paid Less?:
At first glance the fact that companies are allowed to pay young people less for the same work that older people get paid more for might seem unfair. And I think for some people it is because they can already do the work that older people do at the same level, but the vast majority of young people’s work isn’t worth as much.

An Employer Has to Take Risks

when they hire teenagers. Generally they don’t have any past experience, require a lot of training and tend to quit sooner than older people. If everyone received an equal wage, regardless of their age, why would anyone decide to take in a potentially bad employee? Also for teenagers having a job is usually worth more than the money they get from it. It gives them work experience, professional training and knowledge about work relationships.

Students Often Require Specific Work Hours

that adults wouldn’t need. When someone wants to employ someone they are looking to fix a problem. A solution is a lot less attractive if it is difficult to implement so there must be a reason for going with that solution over another. For an employee that usually takes the form of lower rewards for their time. I have been in the same position were I was seemingly doing the same work that other people were paid more for, but looking back I wasn’t as reliable and efficient as I am now a few years later.
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